The BioEnergy Atlas
for South Africa

The BioEnergy Atlas for South Africa is a repository of information, tools, and data supporting the bioenergy industry in South Africa.

The atlas provides the following:

  1. Contextual information describing the availability and demand for bioenergy in South Africa.
  2. Spatial information on feedstock availability.
  3. Conversion technology database describing various conversion technology processes, their costs, and efficiencies.
  4.  Feasibility assessment tools for assessing the modelled bioenergy applications in South Africa.
  5. Supplementary information in the form of charts and fact sheets.
  6. Detailed case studies showcasing applications of the BioEnergy Atlas in support of various bioenergy implementation initiatives.

Who is it for?

It is aimed at policy-makers within multiple tiers of government and national institutions as well as researchers and industry stakeholders. The atlas is a flexible, collaborative platform with open-access data and tools designed to stimulate the bioenergy industry in South Africa.


The BioEnergy Atlas for South Africa provides data, decision support tools, databases (designed to foster collaboration), and open-source toolkits for calculating the costs of bioenergy implementation through various stages of a bioenergy project lifecycle.

Investigative reports

The BioEnergy Atlas contains several investigative reports on the potential and availability of biomass distribution, and typology of energy-related infrastructure, processes for conversion of biomass into energy products, and the assessment of impacts. These reports are supplemented by fact and data sheets published in the atlas.

Implementation case studies

The BioEnergy Atlas has partnered with various organisations to publish case studies where the tools and data developed in the Bioenergy Atlas have been used to assist with stakeholder project implementation. These case studies include:

 1. Sugarcane

2. Invasive Alien Plants

3. Forestry residue 

4. Women in BioDiesel

Spatial modelling tools

The BioEnergy Atlas utilises an advanced spatial-logistical modelling platform developed by the BEA team to perform techno-economic feasibility analyses.

The modelling platform has been developed to assist with parameterisation of costs of transport (via road networks as well as off-road), cost of conversion (including Capex and Opex), and potential impacts (greenhouse gas emissions).

Data visualisation

The BioEnergy Atlas provides advanced tools for interpreting and understanding the Bioenergy model outputs. Together, these form a decision support system that can be used to determine the locations in South Africa where the implementation of bioenergy products may be feasible.

Collaboration tools

The BioEnergy Atlas contains tools designed to foster collaboration within the bioenergy value chain – the BioEnergy Atlas company register allows organisations to register with the atlas and make them findable and searchable through the BEA company database, creating a platform that fosters collaboration.

Contact us

Information about contact details and support.

South African Environmental Observation Network

+27 (12) 534 3504

Physical address: 

South African Environmental Observation Network 

56 Florence Street



South Africa

Postal address: 

PO Box 2600



South Africa